Light-Coded Divine Alam





  • Vibration Enhancement: Instantly raises your vibration, aligning you with higher energy frequencies.
  • Strengthened Manifestations: Amplifies the power of your manifestations, making them more effective.
  • Habit Transformation: Assists in breaking and releasing bad habits.
  • Wealth Attraction: Creates a higher vibration that attracts wealth and abundance.
  • Health and Wellness: Serves as a remedy for sickness and improves overall health.


This divine ALAM mix was channeled by Master Dr. Vani Kabir, in collaboration with her spirit guides and ascended masters. The blend was crafted as a tool for self-healing, designed to transform the body, mind, and soul from within. Energized with 9 light codes spiritually downloaded from the multiverse, this mix combines the natural properties of Ceylon Cinnamon and Botanical Rosemary.

Note: This product is not available for international sale.